Welcome to Summer Sky Jewelry

How nice to have you here! Would you like to know more about this one-woman-shop? Then read on below!

Hi, I'm Petra

I will not hide the fact that I am a busy bee and like to work with my hands.

Before I had children I did a pattern drawing course and then also made it into an item to wear. I would like to make large separate creations. But with the arrival of my girls, getting out each time became an increasingly impossible task.

And then there was Summer & Skylar

A few years ago, I became a mother of my two daughters Summer & Skylar.
See what I did there?

Then I saw a very expensive bracelet somewhere, I Googled it and one thing led to another and I started trying to make it myself.

This is how I discovered more and more techniques, Thanks YouTube! And by wearing it myself, I received more and more requests for it from around here.

So time for an online store. And TADAA!

But the desire to design and combine clothing remained. Then in the spring of 2023 Spicy Scarves came up for sale, and I started chasing my dream!

Since June 1, 2023, I have been the proud owner of this beautiful colorful brand! How great is it to be able to make all these colorful items for an amazingly diverse audience?! Because what I like so much is that every woman can handle everything we make! Sure, you have to like colors and a bit of standing out, but every hair size is available! I wish you a lot of shopping fun and if you have any questions you can always contact me!

Spicy hugs,


Ooh ja! Toch nog even een laatste dingetje☺️

Ik vind de weg naar duurzame stoffen en garens erg interessant! Zo zal ik een aantal blogs hierover schrijven. Want hoe geweldig is het nu dat er van bijvoorbeeld zeewier garens zijn gemaakt?! Als je op de knop hieronder klikt kom je bij de blogs over stoffen en garens. Als je er wat van hebt gelezen ben ik benieuwd of je iets ben tegen gekomen wat je nog niet wist, laat me dat ook vooral weten!😃😘

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